Friday, February 8, 2013

Slimming Your Winter Silhouette

Why is it that all of the YouTube gurus and fashion bloggers just happen to reside in LA?

I'm in Canada. It's almost a painful yearning.

I get cold just looking at the weather forecast, which by the way has warned us of the current snowstorm outside my window. Yay. But like my fellow Torontonians, I can't let the weather stop me. I just refuse to look like my former self in elementary school when I couldn't care less about the size, shape, and colour of my outerwear. Shoes and bottoms included. There is no ski hill downtown, I can't wear snowpants.

So for those of you who also want to demonstrate that you still have a figure, here are some of my tips and tricks.

Unless you don't mind wearing a bomber or ski jacket (which can look equally as sexy if you style it right), here are the simplest rules.
  1. Dark colours, like black, charcoal and navy, are slimming colours. Dark vertical lines and stitching can help bring the focus inward, draw in your waist, and elongate your silhouette as well.
  2. A coat with a drawstring stitched inside, or a belt on the outside, will tie in your waist.
  3. If you're petite, try not to go too long with your coat because you could end up cutting your body in half (same goes for your boots). I have this problem.
  4. Fat on the top, slim on the bottom. Fat on the bottom, slim on the top. Never both. Don't be a Teletubby.

Wardrobe Helpers

 A black or charcoal vest  It's a little easier to get the outerwear right when you have a nice coat, but what about those days when you want a chunky sweater? Here is your answer. The black vest will add another dimension to your outfit and also give you some shape. I wear mine with dolman sleeves as well and it really does the job. Sometimes I get lost in spacious clothing and this helps.

Skinny belts  They're like $8 each. I suggest getting one in black and one in a neutral shade (blush pink is a cute alternative to nude). Believe me, you'll use them for everything. Pants, dresses, long cardigans and sweaters, jackets, and skirts...check!

Black leggings  Remember fat on top, slim on bottom? This is your extra versatile bottom. You can wear it with anything as long as your top is long enough. What I love about this pair in particular is that the stitching is so ingeniously placed. There is curved stitching on the thighs and the calves that slim you right down, giving added definition. Just don't make the mistake of wearing these like pants. They aren't pants. Wear something to cover your bum.

You probably have some version of all of these in your closet already. And if you do, consider yourself ready to brave the snow. Good luck!

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